Friday, March 9, 2018

The Many Benefits of Using Plastic Injection Molding Conclusion)

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Plastic injection molding offers many different benefits.

Custom Plastic Parts Are Easily Adapted and Made
If you want to manufacture plastic parts, than plastic injection molding may be your best bet:

Continuing from our previous list of benefits:

5. No waste

The injection molding process results in very few scrap losses. It wastes little material, if the production situation is stable.

6. Decoration

Using Mold Decoration Technology, producers can hold ornate designs on plastic parts. Manufacturers merge in-mold decoration with injection molding.

In-mold decorating (IMD) is an intricate process. Besides the plastic usually used, they rely on a special mold, with film, as well. A carrier foil feeds IMD film into the injection mold. The foil feeder has adjustable control stands, which makes it easier to blend the mold and the film.

7. Precision

Injection molding is precise. It has tolerance, or accuracy, of 0.01mm. Workers can readily repeat it during molding cycles.

Why organizations should not make their own molds

These advantages may tempt organizations to invest in an injection molding machine and conduct the process themselves. Making injection molds on their own, however, is not always possible.

1. High operational costs

For a start, an injection molding machine is a heavy investment. Like most bulky machines, it is fairly expensive. It can take a few years for an organization to cover its cost. The process is unsuitable for short-run production. This refers to production that fulfils short-term contracts. The machine may become useless after the contract expires.

2. Time consuming

Injection molding is a time-consuming process. Graphic artists have to create mold designs way before it can begin. This can cause production to fall behind schedule.

3. Machine Size

The machine, of course, is large and bulky. This can mean having to rent or create a larger factory space.

4. Design limitations

Designed parts have to conform to the mold. Creating suitable, yet attractive designs is arduous. Manufacturers shelve many of their eye-catching creations because they are unsuitable for molding.

The advantages of using plastic injection molding services

Not surprisingly, organizations have turned to companies which specialize in injection molding. Hiring a certified injection molding company has its boons.

1. Skills

The workers in these companies have the skills to add detailed features to molds. Many of them are familiar with In-Mold Decorating and can blend multiple plastics together.

2. Material quality

Injection molding companies take pride in the materials they use. They make sure that they create products with superior plastics.

3. Documentation

These companies document the molding process. They can easily release details of how they manufacture products to the organizations which contract them.

4. Use uniform standards

Injection molding companies use uniform process standards, which allows contracting organizations to heave sighs of relief. The latter may not have the resources or ability to standardize molding processes and get workers who are less skilled to conform to rules.

5. Tackles short run production

Organizations can hire these companies to do ad hoc projects, making short run production possible.

Plastic injection molding is a highly effective process that organisations must rely on. Turning to a plastic injection molding company in Chandler makes it even more workable.

AZP & Associates
295 E. Corporate Place
Suite # 108
Chandler, Arizona 85225

Friday, December 8, 2017

The Many Benefits of Using Plastic Injection Molding (Contd.)

Plastic injection molding is a solution for companies to be able to not only manufacture custom plastic parts, but to make as many or as few as they need.
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Plastic Injection Molding in Chandler: Making the Right Amount of Plastic Parts

As we covered previously, manufacturers make custom plastic parts via a process known as injection molding. A company's CEO must understand what this process entails before he can grasp its benefits. He must also realize the necessity of plastic injection molding services. One thing that is a problem for a lot of companies is waste. If you need 500 parts, and the plastic manufacturer you want to work with will only make lots of 2000 parts, then you have way too many extra parts, even for replacements. Instead you want a custom plastic parts company Continuing the plastic injection molding process from the previous part of this article:

After enough time has gone by, production assistants eject the cooled plastic part from the mold. A device forces it out. If pushing it out proves difficult, the assistants will spray a release agent on the surface of the mold's cavity. After ejection, they attach the clamp, put in another shot of plastic and repeat the process. Post processing The injection molding process usually requires follow-up. Residual material may solidify and attach itself to the plastic part. Workers trim this excess material off with cutters. They then recycle some of this material and use a grinder to break it down into plastic pellets. The pellets come in handy during the next injection process. The benefits of plastic injection molding are varied and diverse. Plastic injection molding has advantages which prompt many organizations to use it.

Efficiency in Motion: Plastic Injection Molding

To begin, it is highly efficient. Custom injection molding does not take long, which makes it possible for them to supply plastic parts to the market quickly. Ejection of molded plastic parts takes place every few seconds. Production assistants can program the molding machine to run throughout the night, if necessary. Cost-effectiveness Automated production is possible with plastic injection molding. This reduces labor costs. Manufacturers only need a few workers to make sure that the process runs as it should. Multiple materials Using more than one material is possible with injection molding. Workers can create parts which use more than one type of plastic. They can use melamine and polythene to make durable forks. A wide variety o all types of plastic materials can fit into an injection molding machine.

These include: a. Polythene, for making gas pipes b. Polycarbonate, used to make machine guards and riot shields c. Polypropylene, for producing medical equipment d. Epoxy resin, for making light materials e. Bakelite, used to produce circuit boards f. Polystyrene (styrofoam), used to make disposable cups and packages g. Polyvinyl Chloride, which manufacturers use to cover pipes h. and Melamine, a tough, heat-resistant plastic that forms many plates, cups and forks. It comes in a variety of colors. Some of these materials are strong enough to take the place of steel in production. Polyvinyl Chloride is resilient enough to cover pipes. Conversely, polyethylene is soft enough to make wraps and garbage bags.

Ultimately, you want to find a plastics manufacturer near you. 

AZP & Associates
295 E. Corporate Place
Suite # 108
Chandler, Arizona 85225

Friday, September 8, 2017

The Many Benefits of Using Plastic Injection Molding

Plastic injection molding is a 21st Century technology that helps businesses make as many or as few parts as they need.

Why Plastic Injection Molding

A world without plastic is difficult to imagine. Manufacturers use this universal substance to make everyday objects. Resilient, it is a source of support. It forms chair legs, pipes and even riot shields. Manufacturers make custom plastic parts via a process known as injection molding. A company's CEO must understand what this process entails before he can grasp its benefits. He must also realize the necessity of plastic injection molding services. What is plastic injection molding? Plastic injection molding, as its name suggests, refers to manufacturing plastic parts via an injection process. Companies use it to make a variety of products that have different complexities and sizes. An injection molding machine transforms plastic into the useful spoons, forks, and plates everyone is familiar with. Manufacturers melt plastic in this machine and inject it into a mold.

The Injection Molding Process: Using Injection Molding to Create Custom Plastic Parts

Molding, as straightforward as it seems, is not a simple act of putting plastic into a machine. It has several stages. A nondescript plastic plate goes through these stages before ending up on a dinner table. The more complex the plastic part is, the longer each stage takes. 1. Clamping Clamping is the first stage of plastic mold production. Producers attach a clamping unit to the injection molding machine before introducing plastic. A plastic mold has two halves. Production assistants join both halves to the injection molding machine and allow one of them to slide.

The clamping unit, which is hydraulically powered, pushes both halves together. It exerts enough force to close the mold securely. Clamping takes longer with larger machines, which exert greater forces. 2. Injection Producers then feed raw plastic pellets into the molding machine's injection unit. They melt the plastic using heat and pressure before quickly injecting it into the mold. Industry players call each injection a "shot". It is difficult to know how much time one shot takes, as the flow of the plastic changes constantly. 3. Cooling When the molten plastic touches the inside of a mold's surface, it begins to cool. It then solidifies, taking a desired form. It is common for the plastic to shrink at this stage. To minimize shrinking, manufacturers pack the plastic pellets into the injection mold carefully. They do not open the mold until the cooling time has passed.

If you want plastic parts, then your best bet is to find a polymer injection molding company in Chandler.   


AZP & Associates
295 E. Corporate Place
Suite # 108
Chandler, Arizona 85225
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Friday, June 9, 2017

Plastic Injection Molding: Plastics, Polymers, and Resins

Plastic injection molding is a manufacturing process that is comprised of plastics, polymers, and resins. But what is the difference.

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Plastic, Resin, or Polymer | 602-437-0136
Custom Plastic Parts: Resins and Polymers

What's the difference between a resin, a polymer, and plastic?   
A resin is a solid or sticky substance,a mixture of pre-polymers and reactive compounds that help it to harden. Resins can be synthetic, or natural based.

Amber is an example of a resin, as is dragon's blood, frankincense, myrhh, and copal.   A lot of natural resins are used in the fragrance industry.  Synthetic resins convert a liquid to solid.  Epoxy, for example is an example of a resin.
Bisphenol is another synthetic resin  Silicone is often used as a soft resin. A lot of cell phone cases are a combination of soft silicone resin and a hard plastic. Some custom plastic parts combine resins, polymers, and plastics.  Contact a plastics plant to see what they can and can't do.

Polymers are incredibly diverse.  They can be soft and easy to shape such as polymer clay, or hard, like lucite.  It can be opaque, translucent, or transparent. A plastics plant with the right facilities will be able to work in all three types of plastic.  But what about plastic itself?

Plastic Parts and What Plastic Is

According to WIKIPEDIA: "Plastic is a material consisting of any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organics that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects of diverse shapes. Plastics are typically organic polymers of high molecular mass, but they often contain other substances. They are usually synthetic, most commonly derived from petrochemicals, but many are partially natural.[2] Plasticity is the general property of all materials that are able to irreversibly deform without breaking, but this occurs to such a degree with this class of moldable polymers that their name is an emphasis on this ability. Due to their relatively low cost, ease of manufacture, versatility, and imperviousness to water, plastics are used in an enormous and expanding range of products, from paper clips to spaceships [READ SOURCE ARTICLE].

So as you see, there is more to the plastics industry than you might think.  That's why it is a good idea to find a company that does plastic injection molding.

AZP & Associates
295 E. Corporate Place
Suite # 108
Chandler, Arizona 85225

Friday, March 10, 2017

Need a Plastic Part? Hire a Plastic Injection Molding Company (Conclusion)

Having discussed plastic injection molding, now is the time to discuss finding the right company.
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As Well as Shapes | 602-437-0136

How to Select a Plastic Injection Molding Company

Plastic injection molding companies are different, and offer different services. Some will quote cheaper prices but will often compromise on quality. Others will produce within a short time frame but create sporadically. If you are looking for a plastic injection company, there are specific things that you should be insisting on. This list will give you some of the things to consider when searching for an injection mold company. -

The plastic injection molding company should have staff that is full experienced, especially with maintaining quality. They should have a full time engineer who is part of the team. The operation crew should be highly trained and experienced with top notch expertise. Working with a company that is experienced makes you feel better when you are leaving their products under their care. Eventually, the product will turn out with the expected quality. - The designer in the company should have the flexibility in creating or designing a prototype. If you intend to consult the designer in the molding company to create a prototype for you, the designer will need to be concerned and flexible about your specifications so that your product turns out the way it is designed.

Injection Molding Equipment

The company should have proper equipment that accommodates production of your required volume of plastics, particularly with custom plastic parts. If you are intending to order large volumes of products, then you need to be assured that the company can handle such volume and the demands of such a task without unnecessary delays. - The pricing should be decent. As much as they have the expertise and skills that you need, they should also be willing to agree with you on a decent price. It is advisable to research first and request quotes from different companies of similar niche and compare the prices. A reputable injection molding company should offer affordable price packages to clients.

As such they will be able to cater for the needs of large and small businesses.  Customer service should also be another factor to consider. Most companies will neglect the part of a reliable customer service. However, reliable customer service still remains a crucial part in the provision of quality services. The company you are looking for should be able to provide excellent customer services Conclusion Plastic injection molding is a process that has gained popularity over the years. Business finds it convenient and cheap to outsource their plastic injection molding projects. It is good to look for reputable company to handle your plastic injection molding projects.

AZP & Associates
295 E. Corporate Place
Suite # 108
Chandler, Arizona 85225
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Friday, December 9, 2016

Need a Plastic Part? Hire a Plastic Injection Molding Company (Continued)

Custom plastic parts are used by a variety of different industries.

Not so long ago,  as we covered previously, most of these parts were produced in house by their respective industries.

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Custom Plastic Parts in Industry

One of the biggest industries to use plastic parts is the automotive industry. Automotive plastic parts are a perfect example of a part that is mass produced and designed for a particular vehicle. Taking a look inside your car, you will notice that most of the parts are derived from some form of plastic . Although there has been a decrease in automotive injection molded plastics, they still remain widely used. The demand is expected to go higher, with the recovery of the motor vehicle industry.

There are several types of machinery used in plastic injection molding.   Plastic injection molding companies would not be able to provide plastic molding services without injection mold machines. Injection molding equipment comes in different sizes and varieties. Their used depends on the size of the product or part being made. Another factor that determines the mold press used is the amount of parts that need to be produced.
Since each project has different requirements, the injection molding machines have to be tooled and highly specialized. An injection molding machine has three parts: - Material hopper - The screw type plunger or the injection ram - Unit for heating Another commonly used machine during the plastic injection molding process is a 3-D. This is mostly used during the prototyping phase. The product is first designed using CAD software and then printed using a 3-D printer. As a result, the injection molding company will use this accurate prototype in creating the mold form.

Hiring Plastic Injection Molding Companies

Plastic injection molding companies exist to any company or business in creating products that are finished timely and of high quality. It still remains one of the cheapest options to outsource to a plastic injection molding company since the process of manufacturing is simplified. The majority of non-molding companies, mostly the smaller companies, do not possess their own injection molding machinery or personnel. This is due to the fact that they do not produce large volumes that would necessitate buying their own equipment. It is going to make the process easier when you outsource injection molding projects. Most importantly, it will also be cheaper in the long run.

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AZP & Associates
295 E. Corporate Place
Suite # 108
Chandler, Arizona 85225

Friday, September 9, 2016

Need a Plastic Part? Hire a Plastic Injection Molding Company

Plastic injection molding is a type of manufacturing that uses plastic injection molds to produce products or parts on a large scale level.

Custom Plastic Parts | 602-437-0136
Plastic Injection Molding:  The Process

Plastic injection molding follows a manufacturing process.  It isn't just as simple as just producing a part from scratch.  At first, a prototype of the item to be produced is created and then cast into the mold.

After the custom plastic mold is made, a melted polymer material is then injected into the mold until it attains a solid state. On cooling, the product is ready to undergo more stages of production. Businesses, both large and small, hire injection molding companies so that their products can be produced on a large scale. These businesses find it more convenient to outsource their projects that involve injection molding. This has created the need and existence of injection molding companies. One of the most common methods used for the production of plastics for different needs is injection molding.

Plastic Injection Molding in the US

According to the US Bureau of Statistics, there was an increase in plastics transactions by 50 percent in 2015. Plastic injection molding remains a faster and cheaper method of producing plastics as compared to others for large scale production. If you want production of plastics for small projects, other molding methods may be better. There are numerous industries, businesses, and companies that use the services of plastic injection companies regularly. These include: - Plastic packaging – there has been an exponential growth in the plastic packaging industry since its introduction in the 1950s. in the previous year, there has been an increase in plastic packaging production by 47 percent. - Medical equipment – the medical industry has relied on injection molded plastics for a long time. Injection molded plastics became popular in the medical industry after the production companies started using the right material to produce plastics meant for the medical industry. In the previous year, there has been a demand in medical plastics by almost 10 percent. - Industrial parts – it has been a common practice to create plastics for industrial projects for many years. With the existence of different varieties of plastic polymers, uses of injection molded plastics are vast in the industrial market. This is the reason why there has been a rise in plastic industrial parts transactions by 30 percent.

Whether it is the medical field, automotive, promotional or whatever field, sooner or later a lot of different industries need plastic parts.  For some industries, it's obviously easier to produce these parts in house.  For others, it is far more convenient and cheaper to contact a plastics manufacturing company instead.

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AZP & Associates
295 E. Corporate Place
Suite # 108
Chandler, Arizona 85225